21 Days of Fasting and Prayer

As we enter 2025, many are eager for a new beginning. Amid the chaos, there is a longing for answers and tranquility. This serves as a powerful reminder that true peace is found in God. Let’s make 2025 a year of deepening our relationship with Him like never before. This year, as we embark on a collective fasting journey, let’s come together with others to form a community that rejuvenates our hearts and minds. We invite you to participate in this year's Fast. Together, as we seek God, we can conquer any challenge.

Today's Kids Devotion

A Bold & Courageous Church

Sunday January 19, 2025

Even the bravest person feels timid or fearful sometimes, but God can empower us to conquer those fears to share His love with the world.
Today's Scripture
  • 2 Timothy 1:7 (NIV)
    • “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.”

Gather around the table and pour about 1 inch of water into the plate. Sprinkle a tablespoon of pepper on the water’s surface. Ask: “Do you sometimes feel afraid to speak up as a follower of Jesus?” Allow family members to answer openly and honestly.

Sometimes our desire to be liked and accepted can overpower us, keeping us from doing what’s right. Can you think of people in the Bible or from history who overcame fear to boldly show and tell others about Jesus? In today’s verse, we’re reminded that it is the Holy Spirit who gives this power, and it is available to us, too!

Invite a family member to dip their finger in the pepper water. What happens? Now, dip your finger into the dish soap and back into the water. What happens? How is the pepper moving away like the fear that flees when we trust the Holy Spirit to fill us with boldness and courage?

  • A deep plate or shallow wide bowl 
  • Water 
  • Pepper
  •  Liquid dish soap

Reflection/ Prayer
  • Reflect: The Holy Spirit gives me the power to live boldly for Jesus, showing and telling others of His love and truth.
  • Pray: Invite family members to share where they need to be filled with Holy Spirit boldness. Pray for each person, contending for the Holy Spirit to fill them with power, love and self-discipline.

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