21 Days of Fasting and Prayer

As we enter 2025, many are eager for a new beginning. Amid the chaos, there is a longing for answers and tranquility. This serves as a powerful reminder that true peace is found in God. Let’s make 2025 a year of deepening our relationship with Him like never before. This year, as we embark on a collective fasting journey, let’s come together with others to form a community that rejuvenates our hearts and minds. We invite you to participate in this year's Fast. Together, as we seek God, we can conquer any challenge.

Today's Kids Devotion

Spirit Governed Thoughts

Monday January 13, 2025

What do you do when you have negative or sinful thoughts? How does God help us overcome that kind of thinking?
Today's Scripture
  • Romans 8:5-6 (NLT)
    • “Those who are dominated by the sinful nature think about sinful things, but those who are controlled by the Holy Spirit think about things that please the Spirit. So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace.

Our days are filled with thoughts, some positive, some negative, many random. An incredible truth about following Jesus and being filled with the Holy Spirit is that God speaks to us even through our own thoughts! He can give us a mind set on Him and His truth.

Now, that doesn’t mean the negative, angry, unkind thoughts totally go away. So, what do we do in those moments?

We can’t outthink negative thoughts in our own strength, but we can certainly ask for God’s help. One way to set your mind on the Spirit is to speak God’s truth over your thoughts.

Pick a family Bible verse (for example, Ps. 136:1, Eph. 4:32, Phil. 4:8, or find your own). Write down the verse and memorize it by turning it into a song or pairing it with motions. We tend to focus a lot on how we and others act, but do we take time to determine the source of what leads to our actions? Over what parts of us have we ceded control?

Reflection/ Prayer
  • Reflect: “The thoughts of a person ruled by sin bring death. But the mind ruled by the Spirit brings life and peace.” Rom. 8:6 (NIRV)
  • Pray: In the center of a piece of paper, write “God” and circle it. From there, draw lines branching out and write down or doodle/ draw things you pray for. If needed, add more branches off these as related needs arise (e.g., God – School Safety – My Teachers). 
  • Ask God to direct your prayers and doodle what comes to mind.

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